iFHP Claims Member Network Meeting | Sydney, Australia

Monday 26 February  - Thursday 29 February 2024


Our Claims Integrity Member network will meet across three days in Sydney, allowing our members from the region and beyond to meet face to face within this forum for the first time since 2019. Much has changed since we last met nearly five years ago and we foresee a busy three days. The agenda will be devoted equally between time for members to share problems, methodologies and solutions and then visiting or meeting industry leading companies in the sector. We will be hosted by Google at their Pyrmont office in the city, Insight Health Solutions & IBM AI Analytics team. We intend to cover, plus other member suggested topics:

  • The effect of "income squeeze" on fraud
  • AI case studies
  • Digital trust
  • Organized crime groups
  • Workflows internally & prioritising cases

Venues: Kimpton Margot Hotel Sydney and Bupa Australia Offices (255 George St, Sydney) 

Timings: The meeting will commence at 18.30 with drinks and a casual dinner on Monday 26 February. The next three days will be spent as a group combining meeting external companies and sharing insights as a group between members. The meeting will then conclude at 15.30pm on the 29 February after a day spent at the Bupa offices. We are currently working with our external hosts to confirm timings and locations within our meeting timeframe. 

Fee: iFHP operates a cost recovery on the fee we charge. The fee for the three days is priced at £950.00 for three days including all dinners (3 evenings) and meetings excluding hotels (if local to Sydney). If you require a hotel £1695.00. The hotel fee will cover three nights of the 26, 27 & 28th (departures on the 29th) and iFHP has made a group booking across the three nights. 

Questions? : Need more information before committing? Contact myself, Nicola Jedrej